Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Trump economic ideas good for Nigeria

The US President-elect, Donald Trump’s economic ideas will affect Nigerian professionals positively, Ibrahim Garba, a Security consultant, said on Wednesday. Garba spoke with newsmen in a telephone interview from Abidjan. He decried the attitude of Nigerians projecting the image of the country in a bad light. According to him, Nigerians need to change their business orientation to reflect positive ideas in the new era. The security expert said Trump, as a business mogul, would certainly jump at good business relationship with Nigeria in the interest of both countries. “This would affect Nigeria because things would be more competitive; Trump is a man who knows about your money; he does not throw money around. “For you to do any business in America you have to be serious. From a business perspective, if Nigerians know what they are bringing to the table and it’s of value, Donald Trump will approve it.” He added that Trump won the election because he was a successful businessman and a politician. “Every country needs a strong economy; Trump has records of growth with his years of experience in business and that can be applied to the nation’s economy. “With this development I hope he has more to offer than we expect from him and also an opportunity for the Americans to see a different side.” The newly-elected president has pledged to be president for all Americans and to build the country’s economy while relating with nations that support his ideas.

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