Sunday, November 6, 2016

The One Place To Start In Order To Be Successful (It’s More Simple Than You Think!) Sam Adeyemi

So, you have big, hairy, audacious dreams...dreams that may be larger than life. You may have even been wishing, hoping and praying for your dreams to come true.
There’s just one problem: you don’t know where to begin!

What’s the first step?
Often, people who have an intense longing for success are overwhelmed by what it may take to get from where they are to where they want to be.
But, there’s really just one thing you have to do to begin on the journey toward success…and it’s more simple than you think:

You have to want it.
The wildly successful author entrepreneur Napoleon Hill once said, “the start point of all achievement is desire.”
Desire. It’s the major key to success.
Desire is different from a hope. It’s that transcendent, pulsating yearning that lights a fire in you. It’s also very different than a mere wish. It’s that thing that dominates your thoughts - like a dream written in the depths of your very soul.
Desire is your “why.” It’s the powerful catalyst that drives you because making your dreams come to fruition will take time and work. So, when things get tough (because they will!), you’ll always have the fuel to keep the fire burning, even when the trials of life attempt to extinguish it. Desire will give you the mental toughness, grit and resiliency you need to achieve.
But, desire alone won’t take you over the edge. You have to possess a clear vision of what your “it” is.

While your desire will drive you, your vision will guide you.
It’s exactly why Hill noted that your desire for attaining success must be a definite one.
So, now that you know the very first step you should take on the road to success, what’s your definite desire?

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