Wednesday, November 9, 2016

#AmericaDecides: Here are our winners and losers from the U.S presidential elections

It will go down in history as the most surprising victory in any elections in the world – we think. Today, 9th November 2016, Americans made their choice of a president – Donald John Trump, Sr., New York businessman and Republican candidate will be the 45th President of the United States when he is sworn in January, 2017.

Before the election day, the world saw the most controversial and divisive presidential campaign in recent American history and a lot was said for and against candidates, Trump and Hillary Clinton – individuals that have so little in common. This makes our task of separating the winners from the losers in these elections very easy.


Donald Trump: Need we say more? 45th President of the United States of America. However, this isn’t the only thing that makes him a winner here. In Paul Ryan’s words, Donald Trump achieved an incredible feat by identifying a demographic that was ready to accept his message – a demographic Hillary’s team didn’t see and that the polls didn’t capture. And even when the world was against him, he pushed on. His prize? The Oval Office.

Donald has successfully changed the face of American politics.

Megyn Kelly: The Fox News anchor who gave everybody hell. This is a young lady who worked with an institution rooted in conservatism, but then will go on to make sure that even friends of the house did not feel too safe. One time, in conversation with Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump’s campaign manager, she lost her bracelet while the latter gave what she considered unsatisfactory answers to some of Trump’s behavioural patterns.

The mainstream media may have been extremely in the wrong most of the time, but Megyn Kelly did her part with a difference, ushering in not just the new unorthodox era for Fox, but also a more lucrative career for herself.

Michelle Obama: When they go low… you already know. She was a beautiful and gracious first lady for all of 8 years and then she was a strong voice during the elections. Making sure that where Clinton couldn’t be seen to lash out, she did on her behalf. With grace.

Hillary Clinton: Yes, she lost the election and she’s not supposed to be here you’ll say, but since we’re in the business going against the establishment, the hard-fighting amazon found her way into our winners roll call. Though she was smug and failed to see beyond the usual, making her lose Trump, Secretary Clinton has created a different kind of era for women all over the world. Just listening to her citation – all those years of service and what Michelle Obama said about her ability to work with her opponents – is total inspiration.

Her resilience in the face of adversity and her ability to stand up to be counted will continue to remain a source of inspiration for women and girls around the world looking for role models to follow. She might not have broken that glass ceiling this time but Hillary has no doubt beaten a clear path far into the road less travelled.

Saturday Night Live (SNL): During the deeply divisive elections, Saturday Night Live gave us the comedic reliefs we needed with all the parodies.

Vladamir Putin: All through the campaign, there was no denying the Putin factor. From being Trump’s foreign supporter to being the one said to be behind the leaked emails that just refused to go away for Hillary Clinton, Putin somehow got his wish – to influence the outcome of the U.S presidential elections.


Barack Obama: His favoured candidate lost. But that’s not all. Despite the fact that the 44th President of the United States of America is leaving office with the best ratings ever, his legacy – all 8 years of Obamacare – stand the risk of being scrapped the moment Trump assumes office. We’ll love you forever President Obama but you’ve lost this one.

Immigrants: A Trump Presidency almost guarantees that immigrants – especially illegal immigrants – will have to find new abodes. Hey Nigerians in the Diaspora – we see you. But the Nigerians are not the ones facing the worst risk of deportation, it’s the Mexicans. If anyone knows what the Mexicans did to Trump, please let us know. This Trump win will hit them directly – the Pesos is already taking a beating less than 24-hours after Trump was announced winner, and worse still, pundits have predicted a shaky short to medium term outlook for the Mexican economy. Sorry guys.

Democratic Party: You even lost Wisconsin. “shame”! “shame!” “shame!”

The mainstream media: They lost big time. Period. The American media and all their high-handed pundits got it wrong. Wrong.

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