Friday, November 4, 2016

Strategies for Influencing the Next Generation - NIKE ADEYEMI @NikeAdeyemi #ELC2016

If we do not deliberately influence the next generation, we are likely going to have chaos.
Never hoard information because it will hurt you at the end of the day. 2 Timothy 1:1-7
We must deliberately influence the next generation to perpetuate God's agenda
We must be deliberate in our commitment to groom the next generation. We can't afford to be casual about it.
You can affect the next generation before you birth your own child
If we don't deliberately shape the next generation, we will be forced to live with how they turn out in life.
Be accessible and ready to interact. Be close to young people. They want to talk but aren't sure you want to hear them
We have to be real and practical. We must engage our children with the future in view.
Tell stories to the young generation. Share your story with them. Be appealing and draw them.
Correct the younger generation with love. We all want to be loved. Reach out with love.
We must deliberately go after the next generation with love. 
Be the teacher, now necessarily a class-room teacher. Be fun to them (young generation).
Children too have problems. It's just not our kind of problems. Don't judge them.
When your children talk and complain, don't spoil them; that's an opportunity to teach and train them.
Make up your mind to be fun with children -
Young people are just a mini version of you. Treat them with dignity. 
We must deliberately go after the next generation with love.
Interaction breaks down the barriers between us and the younger generation. Reach out and engage them.
You've got to see greatness in a child even when they don't look like it.
We need to have compassion in our heart for young people. When we see young people doing wrong things, have compassion  
Be close enough to say a prayer with them. Be close enough to pull them back, in love, when they go wrong.
When you have compassion over your children, you won't lack direction of what to do with them
We must save our children and protect them from predators. Everybody has access to data nowadays
Be flexible. This generation is into entertainment big time. Encourage this generation and give them expression.  
As adults and leaders, don't act like you are above the law. Love and pray for them also.
You've got to see greatness in a child even when they don't look like it. -

Treat children with dignity.
Train and look to these young ones for solution.
Learn to speak their language.

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