Influence is contagious. When you have someone who's been influenced, the likelihood is that they'll influence people
A nation can't just change, it's the people in the nation that need to change.
What was the name of the ministry of Jesus? God doesn't pour oil on systems but on people.
Left to yourself, your chances of ending up well will be greatly reduced without your connecting with influencers.
You are designed to be influenced. The question is, who is influencing, shaping and guiding you?
Somebody is shaping and influencing you. You need to be conscious of that.
Submit to the ultimate influencer, God. God wants to change you before he changes your circumstances.
You need to be influenced before you can be an influencer. You need to be inspired before you can be an inspiration.
Whether you are conscious of it or not, someone is copying you. You are influencing someone
Some of us have not experienced the holyspirit because we have not needed him.
The purpose of the anointing is problem solving. Solving problems human abilities cannot handle.
When you confront a mountain, you will see the spirit. You short change yourself when you fail to confront problems.
If you bring the money issue up first in confronting big projects, it will kill your dreams.
Success in God's economy is not on the frequency of struggle. It's on the frequency of grace.
Sometimes, I take struggle as a sign that I am on the wrong track.
When the influence of the holyspirit comes on your life, you won't have to struggle to open doors anymore.
When people get influenced by the holyspirit, he took them over barriers. Joseph is an example.
Get filled with the Holy spirit. It's impossible to hold you and the Holy spirit down together.
The holyspirit is your best degree certificate and your best connection
The Holy spirit is your best connection and degree certificates. Your journey to the top is shortened by Him.
The Holy spirit altered my imagination and behaviour. He unleashed my creativity and capacity for innovation.
I didn't have the confidence to speak before a crowd until the Holy spirit came into my life. He also gives me ideas.
Drink holyghost, don't drink 'paraga'. The holyspirit is the original.
As the holyspirit changed my identity and helped me to discover what Christ has done for me, I lost my fear for man.
A nation can't just change. It's the people in the nation that need to change.
You have problem with fear? Drink the holyghost.
God wants to change you before He changes your circumstances. Submit to Him.
If you bring up the money issue first in confronting big projects, it will kill your dreams.

Influence is contagious.

You need to be influenced before you can be an influencer.

Intense prayer going on right now. "Father, influence my life, emotions and physical body."
You need to be inspired before you can be an inspiration.

Every cravings for alcohol and drugs dies now in the name of Jesus.
"Receive the holyspirit. Go in the power of the spirit. Whatever cannot stop God will not stop you."
"Go with unusual favour. Help will be waiting for you wherever you need it."
Dear Man of God, Your words are the lights and the greatest paths to truth. It encourages, it corrects and it builds. Keep the fire burning...You are indeed a blessings to this generation and generations to come.