Only those who stay focused on their task end up as front-liners -

"Responsibility is the price for greatness"

"Until you're out of your comfort zone, you can't make the greatest of impact'
We are all redeemed a leader, all we need to do is to take responsibility to emerge.
Everybody pays something extra to become extra-ordinary -
"No world-changer runs a normal schedule. No leader of worth lives a normal lifestyle" ]

Engage the principles. Your life, from this moment, will be an adventure of endless progress.
Everyone of us have very rich leadership potentials within but you have to engage in rules for it to be realised
Until waste is cured, the future is not secured. Don't eat up your tomorrow
"Don't eat up your tomorrow, today."

Whatever is not well managed will end damaged. You don't grow big to manage well, you manage well to grow big
Without a budget, there is no cure for waste
You can't get out of any task more than you are willing to put into it
Only those who stay focused on their task end up as front-liners.
It isn't connection that determines your tomorrow but the quality of investment of your time in your field.
The business we don't invest our best in can never produce the best for us.
Time is my most treasured asset on this earth because you can make anything out of it, depending on the usage.
Those who make news hardly have time to watch them; their time is invested in making the news for others
to watch
All smart time investors end up as stars in their field of endeavors
"Quality time investors usually end up as news makers"
"Lets not join the complainers and murmurers. Lets take responsibility.
Responsibility is the price for greatness and everyone must rise to take charge of their destinies.
How efficiently you manage yourself will determine what grade of leader you will become. No free lunch in life
"A Leader is a product of efficient management of oneself, time, task and resources."
"Leadership is not an appointment but an attainment
You can't tell how much you are worth until you succeed in managing yourself efficiently.
The Bible is the light of Heaven, It's content delivers under all circumstance, equal or unequal
Engaging the principles of scriptures will make a star of any dummy
The bible is not just a book but a manual for maximised destiny. A practical manual to be applied.
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