Thursday, November 3, 2016


"The local church is the hope of the world" 
Don't ever walk around thinking you're powerless. There is limitless power in God's works and God's spirit
"If you get fired for doing the right thing, God will take care of you somehow someway"
Leadership is not just all about ideology, it's about movement; moving people from here to there
Vision is a picture of the future that creates passion in the people. Leadership is moving people from here to there.
If you spend your life building something, the greatest joy is to have someone else lead it into a greater future.
"Succession planning is very important because no one who leads anything will lead it forever.
"There's a season for everything and we have to understand that we can't lead anything for ever."
The church cannot lose hope of its abilities to affect every sector of government and the society at large.
One of the primary responsibilities of the church is to raise people & send them to the institutions as change agents - 
"All of us that lead churches need to have a mental framework for what we're doing." 
"It makes perfect sense to me that the local church is the hope of the world" - 

A leader has to be very sure of his/her calling, checking up with God, on a regular basis. -

As a leader, it's very important to stay consistent with what feels emotionally congruent with you
It's essential that you know the rank orders of your spiritual gifts so you can focus on the greatest of them. - 
"When we treat the poor with dignity, heaven opens great resources for you to take care of them "Excellence honours God and inspires people.
I stay within my greatest gift areas and only do things I'm great at. I also surround myself with an excellent team
The church needs you and your gifts.
You need to operate within your top rank gift and build a team of people with gifts that compliment yours.
It's essential that you know the rank orders of your spiritual gifts so you can focus on the greatest of them.
If you want to build a church, you'd better find out what your true spiritual gifts are
Be transparent with your congregation. Let them know where all the money goes. Both revenue and expense lines
God wants us to be enthusiastic earners and investors. It's common sense to hate debt; runaway from it.
"I'm not a great preacher. My top spiritual gift is leadership, hence the Global Leadership Summit."
"As a leader, you should have a strategic plan for crisis management"

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