Sunday, December 11, 2016


This is tip of what you will get for FREE on SELF-MANAGEMENT.
The value in each human is the gift they were born to deliver to humanity.
Each person is like a star in the galaxy. You have your own radiance. A leader is born when you discover you gift. Finding out what excites you and consumes you, discovering your passion, helps to determine your gift. This requires a process of self-discovery. How will you know what your gift is?
Here are some clues: your gift is fun. You enjoy it, you can do it all day, and people will even pay you to do what you like to do. It is your passion, you can do it without pay.
True leaders never retire, because you cannot retire from yourself. When you are known for your gift, the world will come to you for it. The ultimate we can do for our fellow humans is to help them become and to have a life where they can do more with their gifts.
When you find your gift and you serve it to the world, you become great. Jesus said greatness happens to you while you are serving your gift and because you are serving yourself to the world. Having others serve you does not make you great.
Whatever your gift in life is, it is not for you to keep; it is for you to give to the world. God gave it to you. Pass it on.
Servant leadership is serving your gift at every opportunity. Servant leadership is serving yourself to the world. Servant leadership is self-distribution to your generation. Distributing yourself
A void of leadership exists all over the world in both industrialized and developing nations. People wonder where they can find strong leaders they can trust.
I believe that every need in the world would be met if everybody discovered and maximize the leadership potential within. Every human being was born to contribute to his or her generation. No one was given life to take up space.

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